Rose Quartz Heart-Madagascar, 5-6 inch

Availability: In stock (1)

Rose Quartz is the stone of love, including romantic love, divine love, universal love, and love of oneself. Rose Quartz gently promotes a healthy self-esteem and appearance, gives eagerness to greet each day, regenerates and revitalizes, and facilitates kindness and emotional healing. It also releases stress and unites one with the Divine.

Each Rose Quartz Heart has been cut from a quality gemstone and polished to create its shape and smooth finish. The heart shape sends out loving energy and connects to the Heart Chakra. It can be held during meditation or beautifully displayed on your altar or in your home or office.

Allow this Rose Quartz Heart to remind you of the love that surrounds and supports you.


Size: 5-6 inches

Origin: Madagascar

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