White Sage & Palo Santo Combo Pkg - Sage 3 inches + 4 Palo Santo Sticks - 6579WSPS

Availability: In stock (1)

Sage is one of the most effective herbs to use for smudging, or clearing away negative energy. You can either burn the end of the entire stick or select individual leaves to use as needed. The smoke from the leaves attracts negative energy, which dissipates along with the smoke as it clears.

Palo Santo wood has been used for thousands of years by Shamans and Healers among the Inca population. This "holy Wood" is a part of their ceremonies and healing rituals. It provides energetic protection, and removes bad energies. Palo Santo wood is harvested under government supervision by the natives of the Peruvian jungle. No trees are destroyed in the collection of our wood, only twigs and branches on the ground are gathered. The sticks themselves may be lit and will burn for a few seconds to a minute, then extinguish themselves, filling a room with its wonderful fragrance.

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