Pendulum Teardrop White Selenite - 61035

Availability: In stock (1)

Pendulums are great tools for universal communication. They also assist with spiritual healing and inner growth. Pendulums connect with higher energies and can be used to receive answers or guidance from the spiritual realm. They are also used to pick up subtle energies during healing sessions and help practitioners clear the body, mind and spirit.

The seven chakras are energy centers within the human body that connect to all its processes, from organ function to to the immune system and emotions. Seven chakras are positioned throughout your body, from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. Each chakra has its own vibrational frequency, color, and governs specific functions.

Selenite facilitates spiritual activation and communion with the Higher Self, spirit guides and angels. It clears etheric and energetic blockages and debris, allowing for a freer flow of energy.

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